Thursday, January 30, 2014

2014 Yearly Planning Conference!

The Vintage Consulting management team had a great time in San Antonio for our annual Yearly Planning Conference! We spent time hearing from top performers across the nation, networking with other industry professionals, and checking out the local tourist sites and culture of San Antonio.

We also enjoyed hearing from former Dallas Cowboys player, Darren Woodsen. 

Watch the video from our event!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Vintage Consulting's National Leadership Conference

Check out our most recent video on YouTube... and get a closer look at the trip our team took to Phoenix for a National Leadership Conference!

The Vintage Consulting team met up with thousands of other industry professionals to hear great speakers discuss priority management and personal development, coaching, team and business development. 

At the end of each day we spent time checking out the city and networking with friends and colleagues! A great trip overall!